Saturday, June 13, 2009


On TV I saw a short report on the grand opening yesterday of the Terranea Resort in Rancho Palos Verdes.  It was a perfect 43 miles up there traveling on surface streets.  Our first surprise was to have Gerhard's new MINI-E #080 toot as he passed us on PCH.  It was our first sighting of a fellow pioneer while driving!  The resort is spectacular and was 12 years in development.  The property is at the location of the former Marine Land.  A link to read all about the resort is:
The total trip was 90 miles.  The last few miles showed us dropping below 10% battery available, so it changed to miles left "in the tank".  But after sitting for awhile at home with the cooling fan running, it went back up to 19%.  The charger used 28.3 KVA's for an average of .31 KVA's per mile.

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